Graphic time and date display __________
Do you want a graphic clock for your XT gem site? Here's how.
You can use XT functions to pass values to html code (see
this page
This example uses the results from a time and date XT function to point to images in a LARGE folder. The images can be of ANYTHING in ANY SIZE or format.
(For more about time and date XT function and possible output values see this page )
If you don't like my images
And publish a link and description in
community buzz
or on the
or the
Or you can
me the link and I will add it to
If you want to get really carried away make a XTgem version of
(p.c site).
The images must be renamed to the output of the XT function.
(this set is 00.png - 59.png 1.png-9.png Jan.png - Dec.png & Mon.png - Sun.png & slash.png dash.png colon.png)
The XT code for
each element of the date and time is as follows
_____ <img src='http://
your site/
your image folder/
<xt id="tdate"
option (A to z) "
difference from UTC (-12 to 12) " />
.File extension (if any) '
width "
height "
repeat XT function ' />
_____ Seperators
(colon dash & slash) are a straight forward img src
Single quotes ' ' must be used to enclose the argument of the img src if you use double quotes " " they will clash with the XT function become mis-nested and the code will not work.
This is the CLOCK code dont forget to change the
tzone (time zone)
setting to your local value
-Html code-
Copy and paste this
Which produces this.
The date option is the same with the "format" values changed to "d" "m" and "y" and the separator from colon1 to slash1
Which produces this.
Date v1.1
Copy and paste for date v1.1
For more image sets see
This example uses a time/date function combined with a
random file include function
to construct the image filename.
-Html code-
<img src='<xt id="tdate" format="D" tzone="0"/>_<xt id="include" file="/rset/*" />' />
The folder for the include function must be localy hosted and contains plain text files of the second part of the image filename (in this example... one two & three ) resulting in a filename like Sun_two or Fri_three
Some of these images have a large overhead so I put them on a seperate page