RANDOM CSS _____ This tip uses Povilas's random includes extension to the file include function and will allow you to randomly select a css stylesheet to apply to your page the stylesheets can be local or anywhere on the web! _____ If you are using css files on your own site you may skip to "method 2" (both methods can be used for local files) METHOD 1 for remote and local stylesheets _____ You will need to create a folder to hold the "locator" files with the addresses of the css stylesheets. This must be localy hosted and contain plain text files with the full or local address of the css stylesheet.(i.e http://SITE.DOMAIN/FOLDER/FILE.css OR /FOLDER/FILE.css) NOTE: ONE ADDRESS PER FILE _____ Now edit the FOLDER in this to your folder name open your page using text editor and copy/paste it in the <head> area (see note) of EACH page you wish to display the effect on.
Method 2
for local files only
set up a style page as explained in
and add this code block
<xt="include" file="/FOLDER/*" />
Changing FOLDER to your css folder
_____ NOTES:
Stylesheets are cumalative any styles or parts of styles not defined in one stylesheet will be taken from other sheets linked to your file
in mobile css the further down the list the higher the priorty regardles of type of stylesheet. Also if you place your style sheet below xtgems <style> entry any use of stylesheet editor will put xtgems stylesheet back in the higher priorty position.